Tuesday, February 5, 2008

This sums it up

Thank to Sally at Fine Old Famly for pointing me to this lovely essay on the contemplative vocation of the mother. This sums up, better than I could, what I'm going for with my Lenten discipline.

When I told Eric I was going to make a schedule for Lent he said, "So, basically, you're going to be a responsible adult for Lent?" He was mostly kidding, I think. I still maintain that many responsible adults live without a strict schedule. They simply have enough virtue to do what needs to be done. But where virtue fails, rules are required. I definitely need a rule this Lent.

1 comment:

Dave said...

I am confused. Since this post came after Ash Wednesday, I assumed that blogging would continue. But, alas, it has not.

Where are you, Fair Q?